Phoenix Death Sauce

Product ID: 00007-41

MSRP: $7.00

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Phoenix Death Sauce
PHOENIX DEATH SAUCE (12 Ounces) – This large bottle of extreme hot sauce has a one of a kind flavor that is matched by no other. This is our first hot sauce and we wanted to make it special. What makes it so hot? We start with Cayenne sauce and mixed in fresh Jalapeno, Habanero and Butte Jolokia, also known as the Ghost Pepper… the hottest pepper in the world. Unlike our competitors small 5oz bottle, we packed this full size 12oz bottle for the die-hard, everyday-heat lovers. Enjoy!

Extreme Ghost Pepper

Product ID: 00007-38

MSRP: $6.75

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EXTREME GHOST PEPPER (1.5 Ounces) – This little bottle of Butte Jolokia (Ghost Pepper) packs one heck of a kick. We tamed and bottled the hottest pepper in the world in this paste. Goes great in any sauce, stew, chili, soup or anything else you want to light on fire. Use with extreme caution and sparingly. Enjoy!