Toasted Walnut Pesto

Product ID: 00059-23

MSRP: $10.00

Walnut PestoMost people acquainted with fine foods already know pesto and how it can bring fresh, bright flavor and texture to all kinds of dishes.  Domenico’s Foods created two versions of green pesto based on the Italian classic – one with toasted walnuts and the other with handpicked Marcona Almonds.  The Toasted Walnut Pesto provides your pallet with a rich, nutty finish.  Handpicked basil along with freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano makes our pestos unique.  Pasta and pesto is a natural match.  You can also embark on a flavor adventure by adding our pestos to anything from bread to vegetables to red meat, fish and poultry.  Our pestos are used by everyone from our loyal farmer’s market customers to world famous chefs in the finest restaurants and hotels.  Let our pestos take your favorite food to the next level.