Strawberry Lavender Jam

Product ID: 00055-88

MSRP: $12.00

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Strawberry Lavender JamLavender adds a fun twist to a classic strawberry jam.  Like all of our jams this one is made with low sugar and high fruit so the flavor is bright and fresh.  We add just the right amount of lavender to add sophistication and wit to your morning toast.  Pairs wonderfully with The New York Times.

For The Love of Quince! Membrillo in a jar!

Product ID: 00055-61

MSRP: $4.00

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Quince! MembrilloMembrillo is a traditional quince treat that is typically served with a salty cheese and fresh bread – YUM!  We do a classic membrillo which is sliced and wrapped, but we decided to also do a spreadable membrillo for all you jam lovers out there.

There is a surprising flavor profile in this recipe – far more complex than you would expect from Quince.  It’s one of our favorites around here, and we know you’ll love it once you give it a try!