About Us

As a family owned and operated food distribution company we have been in business for over 20 years. Our passion for bringing fresh, low risk foods has kept us going through the years. It has always been our goal to help bring healthy foods to our table as well as yours. We hope that with these tasty snacks and seasonings we can help make some of the classic foods a little bit more exciting and help to keep eating as fun and healthy as it should be.

Thank you for your patience during our extended web site construction period. We’re excited to finally have it completed. Please continue to bear with us as we fine tune our site. Also please feel free to provide any comments you may have to make our site better for you, our customer.

If you’re looking for a healthy snack alternative you’ve come to the right place. Our microwave pork rinds are fabulous ! Since you pop them yourself they are always fresh, fast and right every time. Order some today – you won’t be disappointed.

Our seasonings and dips are all hand blended for that “just right” taste. As always they are low-carb with no sugar added.

Reno’s pickles, relish’s and Chow-Chow’s all come from our own special family recipes. Each one is unique in its own way and they’re all delicious.

Again, thanks for stopping by and for your patience. We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy making them for you.
Erick & Laura Womack