Apple Butter

Product ID: 00030-27

MSRP: $7.50

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Apple Butter“Ya’ll got this ’bout right,” says one of our friends from Georgia, meaning we nailed this old-fashioned Southern recipe. This is a slow-baked (takes all day!), deeply flavored and thick apple butter that spreads like a dream and takes us back to happy days with Grandma. Stock up on this one as folks tend to eat it out of jar by heaping spoonfulls!

Cherry Butter

Product ID: 00030-24

MSRP: $7.50

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Cherry ButterThis is something we think is quite delightful. Like our Apple Butter, this is a slow-baked mixture, but with fresh cherries, cinnamon, cloves and the sweet aftertaste of almond. You can make a mean and much-talked-about turnover with this or just put it on the breakfast table and let everyone fend for themselves with toast and biscuits.