Oregano Indio

Product ID: 00054-134

MSRP: $3.95

Oregano IndioIf you’ve traveled to Mexico and enjoyed the food, it’s likely you came home and tried to replicate some of the dishes. We can do a pretty fair job with the ingredients we have on hand in the U.S. but there’s often a certain something that’s different and I’ve come to believe it’s the different oreganos of Mexico. Each one seems a little different but they all seem a little earthier than their European namesakes. Our new oregano is Oregano Indio, sometimes known as Oreja de Raton, or Mouse’s Ear. It’s less citrusy than the standard Mexican oregano but there’s an indescribable earthiness that makes it infectious. I just can’t stop using it on almost everything.

This oregano is grown for us by the Oregano Caxtle Cooperative in Tlahuitelpa. You can add it to all sorts of salsas and guisados but lately I love mixing it with some garlic and olive oil and rubbing it over a pork tenderloin before roasting it. The flavor of the oregano is strong but not overpowering and permeates the whole loin. I’ve also used it with oil and pear vinegar for a great salad dressing.

Leave a bowl out for inspiration in the kitchen. Rub some into any meat or fish, salsas, marinades and soups.

When serving pozole, let guests add it themselves

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