Moro Beans

Product ID: 00054-67

MSRP: $5.95

Moro BeansI first saw this bean being sold in Cholula, but it was all grey, with none of the exotic purple coloring. They called it ParraleƱo, which is confusing because there’s another bean with that name in nearby Hidalgo. I prefer the name Moro (as in “Moorish”) as the markings and colors evoke something grand.

As lovely as the markings are, it’s the taste of Moro that makes it worthy of a place in your kitchen. The beans stay whole and offer their rich, tasty bean broth with no trouble. The skin is thin yet the bean is dense without being starchy. Almost fudge-like. We thought it might be more like a black bean, but it isn’t. Once cooked, it’s in the vague and versatile “kidney” family.

Suggested uses: in salads, on their own, baked or most anyway you like.

These beans are the results of our two companies working together to help small farmers continue to grow their indigenous beans in Mexico, despite international trade policies that seem to discourage genetic diversity and local food traditions.

These rare beans are grown using centuries-old methods and may contain small pebbles or other natural debris. Please clean them thoroughly before cooking!

Product of Mexico. These regional beans were grown by small farmers in the state of Hidalgo under the supervision of the Rancho Gordo-Xoxox Project.

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