Red Quinoa

Product ID: 00054-161

MSRP: $9.95

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Red QuinoaWe’re now featuring quinoa from small growers in Bolivia. Both the quinoa and amaranth are loaded with vitamins and proteins rarely found in grains but the real treat is the flavor. Both crops are less than six months old and hand harvested by a small cooperative in the Andes. The flavor is great and you’ll have a gas experimenting with new ways to incorporate quinoa into your cuisine.

To make the quinoa, rinse it in cool water and strain. Saute some onion and garlic in a small pot and when soft, add the rinsed quinoa and water. One part quinoa deserves two parts water. Bring to a boil and then simmer for about 15 minutes. It’s that simple. My lovely cousin Eden Epling, who grew up in Latin America, tells me she likes to add finely chopped, almost minced, peppers to the onion and garlic. Sounds good to me!

White Quinoa

Product ID: 00054-154

MSRP: $5.95

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White QuinoaFull of protein, full of flavor, gluten free and adaptable to almost any cuisine, quinoa has taken over as the grain of choice for a lot of us. It’s quick cooking and works as a replacement for rice, couscous or wheat. Don’t forget to add it to soups and stews!

In North America, we tend to use it as a grain or to replace couscous. In other parts of the Americas, you’ll see it as part of soupier dishes or savory gruels.