Large White Limas

Product ID: 00054-91

MSRP: $5.95

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Large White LimasA lot of us grew up hating lima beans. A lot of us have changed our minds about a lot of things since being six years old! Lima are rich and have a particular vegetable taste that other beans don’t have. A whole bowl of them might be a little rich but one of the best restaurants here in Napa serves them swimming in their best olive oil and heavily dusted with good Parmesan cheese. Works for me!

Sometimes called “butter beans”, (actually only baby limas are considered butter beans to most southerners), they don’t have a buttery flavor, but adding butter can be a fine idea.

Use the on their own or an ingredient in soups or stews, pureed as a dip or perhaps best in a bowl of Southern style succotash, mixing lima beans with some great summer vegetables.