About Us

In January 2010, we approached God, through a 3-week time period of prayer and fasting, to ask Him for guidance on new and positive changes in our lives for 2010 and beyond. On March 25th, the adventure unknowingly began……….

  • Our family loves peanut butter, but we were kind of getting tired of it. We like to create new recipes and experiment with new ideas. We are fond of almond and cashew butter; so we tried to make our own…..but they just didn’t seem flavorful enough for us and our two small children.

  • During the accidental experimentation phase, Kelly suggested that we try pecans. We made several batches that were surprisingly tasty, but just not quite perfect enough. We kept adding and subtracting ingredients to get the right balance of salty and sweet. At $6.50 per pound, we probably spent well over $400 on pecans—just practicing!! Eventually, our friends taste-tested the Toasted Pecan Butter and loved it! One of them suggested that we bottle it and sell it………thus, Ziegelmeier & Co., LLC was created with Ziegelmeier’s Toasted Pecan Butter TM being our primary product. With the help of our wonderful attorney, we applied for a federal trademark. In April, we passed our Oklahoma Health Department Food Manufacturing inspection.

  • In June of 2010, we are presenting our product to the Oklahoma State University Food & Ag Research Center. We are looking forward to learning more about the food and manufacturing industry. We are also in the process of making more pecan products…….so stay tuned for more details!!!


  • November 2010: We moved into a vacant building at 1020 Arlington and established a full commerical kitchen. During that time, an article was written about us in the Daily Oklahoman OKC news paper. That article resulted in over 700 orders of Toasted Pecan Butter on our website!
  • January 2011: Exactly 1 year to the day, after our prayer and fasting ended, (January 21) we were standing in the Gourmet Market at THE Dallas Market Center showcasing our product. God really moves fast when you hand over the controller!!


  • March 2011: Amazingly, 14 months from starting Ziegelmeier & Co., our Toasted Pecan Butter was being sold at Whole Foods in Tulsa, along with over 100 stores throught the United States and Cananda.

This has been an awesome blessing in disguise!! God has shown us His phenomenal direction on this adventure. We continue to pray that God will open doors and cross our paths with the right people. We know this is a beautiful gift from the Lord and pray that we are good stewards of His plan.

In His Amazing Grace,

Kelly & Gaytha Ziegelmeier

“Team Z”